Jan 20, 2012

Remnants of Deliver Detroit?

As I prepare the new blog, I am pilfering the blog archives of Deliver Detroit. I am looking at articles, revising, reshaping, or scrapping them altogether. I wanted to survey the readers that are still here, yes, even those from Uzbekistan, and see if there were any favorite posts, series, or articles that you enjoyed reading over the years.

If you would like to, please email me at thegospelisgood[at]h0tmai1[dot]c0m, or use the contact tab above to send a message.

Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon!

Jan 4, 2012

For all my loyal readers, I have an update concerning the blog. For all the loyal site bots and useless traffic links I get from Uzbekistan, well, I don't know what to say to you. Thanks for all the useless traffic?

I have been preparing new material for the blog I originally aimed to recreate on a WordPress theme in November. That did not happen. Good news is, I passed my licensing exam, and the semi-minute break I took helped in that regard. However, the blog theme is not ready. I hope it will be up and running by March 1st.

Until then, if I have any blazing insights or new book reviews I am itching to post, you will still see them here.

See you soon!